The Greek word for Ichthus became an acrostic, with each letter standing for another word, which in Greek was "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour". In the gospel of John, there is a curious story where the disciples are unable to find any fish, until Jesus appears and tells them to cast their net on the right side of the ship. They do so, and draw a huge catch of fish. What is odd, is that the gospel of John declares the exact number of fish caught: 153 (John 21:11). Why one hundred and fifty three? Why would someone take the time to count one hundred and fifty three fish? Well there is good reason, and it has to do with sacred geometry.
The ichthus symbol is composed of two intersecting circles, that intersect each other at each other's center (fig. 1):

The intersection between two circles is known as "Vesica Pisces". It was known since ancient times: Euclid used two intersecting circles to divide a line exactly in half using a compass. Thus it has the connotation of growth from division: as soon as the male seed achieves union with the female egg, cells start to divide, each time forming a Vesica Pisces. Jesus himself is the Seed, the Word of God, who became incarnate in human flesh.
As it so happens, the Vesica Pisces contains exactly two equilateral triangles:

The line shared by the two equilateral triangles was the starting point for Euclid: this line can be divided exactly in half by the 2 intersecting circles. If the side of the triangles were assumed to be one, then the length of the Vesica Pisces is the square root of 3. As it so happens, the square root of 3 was closely approximated by the ancients as a fraction: 265 divided by 153!. See fig. 3:

The two triangles form a cross: to approximate the ratio of the square root of three the width of each triangle could be set to 153, while the length across the Vesica Pisces would be 265. The Christian cross is sometimes set in the middle of the Vesica Pisces:
Assume each triangle has a side of a length of 153. Expand the number of triangles to form a perfect hexagon inside one of the circles. What would the circumference be? It could be approximated as 961 or 962 units (see fig. 4):

So, does the number 961 or 962 pop up in the Bible? Yes it does, in a very odd place, which readers of the previous blog entry may recognize:
Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Enoch. After he begot Enoch, Jared lived eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died. (Gen. 5:18-20).
So what, a coincidence? I doubt it: Jared was the SIXTH generation from Adam. It takes SIX triangles to form a hexagon, and if each side of the triangle was 153, the circumference would be close to 962! In the previous blog, The Ancient Astronomy of the Bible, I showed how the Patriarch Jared represents the planet Mars (the sixth planet - see the previous blog entry), and his total age represents a multiple of synodic conjunctions between Mars and Venus - a conjunction between the male and female. Jared means "descent" and in ancient Jewish traditions it was during his days that the angels of God descended from heaven to mate with women. Thus the two intersecting circles means the birth of a child from the union of the male with the female. In the case of Jesus, it means in Jesus Christ we have the union of the Divine with the human.
As two triangles are formed with each Vesica Pisces, lets continue by making an intersecting circle for every two triangles, see fig. 5:

Lets clean up the image a bit, and we now have an image which is now known as the "Seed of Life":

All in all, we have 6 intersecting circles with 1 central circle. The Seed of Life is thus a sacred symbol of Christianity, as not only does it contain the Ichthus symbol, but seven circles which represent the seven days of creation. And Jesus Christ represents God's perfect human, God's perfect creation, where humanity was perfected and made Divine.
The Seed of Life pattern can be extended to form a more complicated symbol called the "Flower of Life", which was found engraved in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, probably during the Christian era:
Some are so intrigued with this symbol that there is an actual organization called "Flower of Life". Its a beautiful symbol, a mandala that allows us to contemplate the Divine interacting within the human. Oddly enough, variants of the Seed of Life has popped up in a couple of crop circles:

Here is the second one:

Wow, these things are so intriguing. You are genius to figure out all this.
ReplyDeletequote: "The Seed of Life pattern can be extended to form a more complicated symbol called the "Flower of Life", which was found engraved in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, probably during the Christian era..."
ReplyDeleteprobably during the X-tian era?! what about the Flower of Life in India, in China? When a person is blinded by single religion as outer form that person tends to converge/correlate all his discoveries with that form ignoring discrepancies arrising
That quote came from researchers on the dating of the pattern found at that temple in Egypt, and is not about the date of the symbol itself. In fact, the oldest flower of life symbol comes from ancient Assyria - according to Wikipedia.
ReplyDelete> That quote came from researchers > on the dating of the pattern
ReplyDelete> found at that temple in Egypt,
> and is not about the date of the > symbol itself
And that's the point, because the title of your post however not literally supposed that the origin of this symbol is X-tian, while of course it's not, although they could of known about it - as you've shown (of course, not 100% conclusive, but in esoterics/occult it is often impossible to do).
There're couple of interesting connections we've noticed:
Flower of Life - Hagal runen (as seed/in "star" form) - so-called Lak pose (related to labrys) = one of the Fuehrer's poses - one of the main Pharaoh's poses - one of the Buddha's poses* - one of the images attributed to Baphomet (with the same hands position; Baphomet as the Mistress of the Earth, NOT Levi's distortion) - possibly Vitruvian Man (X component) - element of the G.H. in Freemasonry
* img#6 here:
The same correspondences: Seed of Life (aka "prototype-matrix"); symbol of power and of High Priest; symbol of sexual union (quote from above link: "...Sometimes the hands are held with the wrists crossed over each other, against the chest. This represents the union of the male and female principles..."); enlightment; sacrifice
We were also wondering if Path of The Flaming Sword should have a mirror correspondence/part - to be symmetrical in a Tree model similar to that of Frater Achad (see his "Anatomy of The Body of God") where sephiras lying on the same level in 3d are becoming united with another sephiras of the same level (i.e. Binah is Chokmah and Chokmah is Binah and there are 3 of them "simultaneously") and if that viewed in 2d is close enough to double serpents entwining the rod/central axis of Tree (or Tree representation itself),
which reduced to "principal component"/"building block" would look like Hagal runen
and possibly close enough to vajra
when central part/Gankyil = 3 in 1 is removed
and of course a Septenary Tree
* * *
* * *
having 7 planets/spheres which was most probably derived from what is currently known as a Star of David/Shield of David - again relation to Flower of Life
and if that is also attributed to simultaneous Life/Death aspect of both vajra protecting and taking life, states of the Seed of Life (unmanifested and manifested), labrys/axe of Zeus " and taking the life...", ritual sacrifice with decapitation/fertility rite of Thrace (and possibly Crete) conducted by Baphomet = Mistress of Earth and Life/Death symbols of Norse runen
Life (Man - Wiligut; Elhaz - E.F.; Madhr - Y.F.)
Death (Yr - Wiligut and Y.F.)
and Life-Death union of
Wendehorn runen = Man+Yr (von List)
Wend-horn runen = Man+Yr (Wiligut)
"...combination of "male Man" and "female Yr", symbolizing a hierosgamos..." - again (sacred/alchemical) marriage/union of primal (god-like) male + female principles
{ignore . near | and * - put to preserve formatting/avoid shifting of characters}
Me: uneducated
ReplyDelete2009? How did I stumble upon thee? Even if this geometry was found pre-dating Christ, maybe it was a sign of hope that a savior would come one day. Who knows?
I haven't found anything about flower of life specifically in bible, reason i searched is because I've seen it, when i thought i was seeing spots and rubbed my eyes. I reacted "whatttt is THAT" because i knew it was a geometric pattern but knew nothing about geometry as in i almost flunked the math class, lol. I goofed off. But theres something to it because i didn't ask to see it, didnt even know to. But i did, and later recognized it somewhere online and searched it to find out it was flower of life. I know tree of life is mentioned but not sure how or if this symbol is related. It cant be evil, not into anything dark or even interested in dark stuff.
ReplyDeleteI am a different anonymous than the one above. What the poster above fails to realize is that the seeds of christianity predate all other religions. And in fact, it is from those seeds all other religions come from as they dispersed from Babel to create their own cultures. Christianity is the fulfilment of that beginning. Of course, one must beleive Genesis 1-11 to be literal, and must hold the creationist point of view to see that.
ReplyDeleteIn the revelations of the New Church, it is revealed that there was an ancient religion that predated Judaism, and even there was one before that, which had revelations concerning the Lord direct from heaven. This is why in many "pagan" myths one can find prophetic references to Jesus Christ, so much so, that skeptics fail to see what is right in front of them and then conclude that even Jesus was a myth. The fact is, ancient myths contain prophecies, which were unfortunately corrupted by idolatry. Given that, there are many ancient symbols that predate and precursor Christianity.
DeleteSo, Genesis 1-11 in the New Church is taken to be semi-historical, and for the most part is written in symbolic form. As for the Tower of Babel, it represents how the ancient religion was corrupted by the desire of the priesthood to rule over others. Instead of making love primary, they made belief primary, thus they all split up into different tribal or national religions. Any religion that makes belief primary will tend to split up, thus we see so many Protestant sects as they emphasis faith alone without regard to one's life.
Well said ☺
Delete♥️ Is the 🗝 that will set you free . I’m loving your light Doug.🌻
DeleteThank you Doug, well said.
ReplyDelete153 is a special number in mathematics and sacred geometry and occurs in the miracle of John 21:11 - “Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.”
ReplyDeleteIn the Dead Sea Scrolls Enoch solar calendar, Christmas Day is on the 7th day of Enoch’s 10th month. Including Christmas Day itself, count 153 days forwards and you arrive at the Day of Pentecost.
On Enoch’s Dead Sea Scrolls solar calendar starting on the 4th day of the week as indicated in Genesis 1:14-19, until 2043 Universal Time the Day of Atonement falls on the 28th September - which is the exact 277 day average human gestation from a conception on Christmas day !
Yes Christ was actually conceived on Christmas Day and born on the Day of Atonement exactly 9 months later !
This is no mere coincidence, they knew there was Something Special about the 25th December !
(According to another researcher, Christmas day was not the winter solstice at the start of the Julian calendar, as many distracters assert without any proof.)
I.e. If Christ was actually conceived on Christmas Day, which according to the Dead Sea Scrolls Enoch Solar Calendar, is the 7th day of Enoch’s 10th month, then Christ could quite possibly have been born almost exactly 9 months later and 10 days from The Day of Trumpets announcing the arrival of our King: on the 10th day of the 7th month, thus confirming Christ as our atoning sacrificial lamb placed in a small manger used to feed sheep on the very Day of Atonement !
Is this why there was no room at the inn ?
Counting exclusively on this Dead Sea Scrolls Enoch Solar Calendar, Christ would then have been circumcised on the eighth day which is the weekly 7th day Sabbath on the 4th day of The Feast of Tabernacles !
Didn’t Christ come to Tabernacle amongst us ?
Wikipedia states that: “Pregnancy is considered at term when gestation has lasted between 37 and 42 weeks.”
37 weeks is 259 days and 42 weeks is 294 days giving an average of 276.5 days –
you cannot get much closer than that.
277 days is 2 + 7 + 7 = 16 & 16 is 1 + 6 = 7 ! ! !
If this is correct, then consider the following:
In Hebrew Adam = Man and was created on the 6th day.
“Son of man” = Daniel 7:13-14, Mark 14:61-62
According to the Dead Sea Scrolls Enoch Solar Calendar:
The Day of Atonement is the 6th day of the week and Christ was therefore born on the 6th day of the week:
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)
For much more click on this link to:
Hello Anonymous - you are probably correct that Jesus was conceived on Christmas, and born some time during the day of atonement or the feast of tabernacles. By careful examination of the date of birth of John the Baptist in Luke, one can determine that Jesus was born some time around these Jewish feast days.
DeleteAs for the Enochian calendar, there are modern calendar reforms which also propose a 364 day year.
For the number 153, one thing I forgot to mention is that 153 is the sum of numbers 1 through 17. Similarly, the number 666 is the sum of numbers 1 through 36. Each number has a symbolic significance, which can be seen in Spiritual Meaning of Numbers, or Numerology
That's an interesting web site, and a very colorful excel spreadsheet
ReplyDeleteInteresting perspective. We indeed are born to overcome the ego. The "New Earth" is something I would call the "New Church." It does not have to be a traditional religion, but rather an inward one based on love.
DeleteAs for reincarnation, I have written a blog about it here: The Origin of the Soul, the Group Soul and Reincarnation and also Christianity, Reincarnation and Emanuel Swedenborg. Short answer: we belong to a group soul, and we share the memories of our lives with others, and when memory is shared with another it would seem we have lived a previous life. The group soul that we share it will tend to be composed of people who have a similar personality or life experience.
This earth is different from others in that we have been disconnected and separated from the spiritual world, unlike other planets. So indeed, external materialism is more prevalent here than in other places, so spiritual evolution will require spiritual combat against falsehoods. Removal of falsehoods is required before the veil can be lifted.
As for the end of the age of Pisces, that is the end of the world age of traditional Christianity. The age of Aquarius, the outpouring of water, is a symbol of the outpouring of God's spirit, where it will manifest outside of traditional religions and simply be a life of love and living according to God's commandments.
I like this quote: "God seeks companions not followers" That is indeed true. God is Love, and the reason for creation was for Him to love others outside of Himself. He thus desires to have communion with us. However in spiritual development, one must first begin to follow Him before one can become a companion: "No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you." (John 15:15)
I've been told that Jesus was born on September 29th
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. The information is there in the gospel of Luke. Jesus was thus conceived around the time of Christmas.